Quick Books Point of Sale Installation Service Details
Learn about QBPOS Installation Services below. To inquire about Financial Services or Bookkeeping Services, contact us directly for more information.
How it Works:
Installation services, software and hardware purchases can be ordered in a variety of combinations depending on your specific retail situation.
Each retail location must have at least one primary workstation (main store computer/cash register.) Any optional additional workstations (computers) are considered secondary workstations.
How Much it Costs:
The first QuickBooks Point of Sale installation and training package is $1500 for the primary workstation. Each additional workstations at the same location are $125. Multiple store installations require one primary store installation for each location. The first location is $1500, each additional primary installation is $500. Additional secondary workstations at any location is $125 each.
Software Used:
*QuickBooks software must be purchased and correspond with number of installations.
Tools to Learn More:
- Buy Installation Services and Supplies Online - When you are ready to get started!