Submitted by Will on October 07, 2011

This annual event is an opportunity for a mixture of Intuit employees and managers, Intuit Solutions Providers (that’s us), and third-party software providers (software/products that work with QuickBooks) to discuss and learn about the innovative ways we’re solving problems for customers—and what that will mean for valued Intuit partners such as ourselves. This spectrum of people, all in one place at one time, will congregate in seminars to learn about new product coming out, as well as attend workshops to help make current product better, and see all of the  third party software provider’s products and how they work with QuickBooks. Sessions will include both the technical and business aspects.

We are proud to announce that William English, President of English Management Solutions, Inc. is one of the chosen presenters this year. He will teach on extending the capabilities of QuickBooks POS. It is an honor that he has this opportunity.

This year’s theme is “Connections,” to represent the important role Summit plays in connecting Intuit Solution Providers such as William with peers, vendors, and Intuit representatives as we look for new ways to improve and expand our business.