Submitted by Will on June 20, 2011

Q: Is there an ap or plug-in available for rental equipment?

A: There is not one but you can do the following:

Put the inventory in at a zero cost and scan the item in as a Sales Order. When the customer returns the rental equipment, remove the item/s from the Sales Order and turn the rest of it (i.e. the rental fee) into a Sales Receipt.

Q: Currently, we have the rental fees as a service and the bikes as  customers. This allows to collect data by bike as we sell the rentals to  the customer as well as items used in repairing the bikes. Unfortunately  this does not allow us to take reservations and track inventory of  available bikes.

A:  If you were to set up the bikes as inventory item with no selling price, it would allow you to bar code and track the bikes as inventory with a value.  When it is on a Sales Order, it will affect the available qty.  As for reservations, I have a client who uses a web based reservation system and we have software that connects POS to the web site.  I can get the info if you are interested.